YouTube Data Tools

Channel List Module

This module creates a list of channel infos and statistics from one of two sources: the channels corresponding to a particular search query or the channels specified by a list of ids.

The script then creates a tabular file where each row is a channel. A number of infos and variables are added for each channel.

Check the documentation for the channels/list (used to get the info for each channel) and the search/list (used for the search function) API endpoints for additional information.


Choose a starting point:

Search query:
(this is passed to the search endpoint)

optional ISO 639-1 relevance language:

optional ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 region code: (default = US)

(max. 10, one iteration gets 50 items)
limit search to channels created in a specific timeframe (format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ - timezone: UTC):



Rank by:

Manual selection:
(channel ids, comma separated)

Output options:

File format:
csv / tab
